Several residents have contacted the Shawnee Police Department about phone calls related to an IRS scam.
What is the IRS Scam?
Usually an aggressive phone scam in which the caller claims to be an IRS Employee. The callers tells victims they owe money to the IRS and it has to be paid immediately through a pre-loaded debit card or wire transfer. If the victim resists or refuses, the caller threatens arrest, deportation (if an immigrant), or suspension of the business/driver’s license.
What is the Real Deal?
The IRS will not:
- Call for payment or taxes owed
- Demand you pay taxes without appeal
- Require a specific method of payment
- Ask for a credit/debit card information over the phone
- Threaten to bring local law enforcement to have victim arrested.
For more information about IRS or tax scams visit Tax Scams Consumer Alerts on the IRS website.
To report an incident of the IRS Scam visit the IRS website.