Embark on an extraordinary two-day adventure to Springfield, MO, blending history, nature, and culinary delights! Start with a visit to the Osceola Cheese Factory, where you’ll sample from over 275 varieties of cheese. Explore the reimagined Finley Farms & The Ozark Mill, a historic gem turned vibrant gathering place. Discover the Wonders of Wildlife Museum & Aquarium, America’s top-rated aquarium, and enjoy a visit to Baker Creek Seeds, where the farm and village charm await. Cap it off with a trip to see the natural beauty of Fantastic Caverns, North America’s only ride-through cave. From riverfront dining to plant-based meals, every bite is memorable.
Date: Tuesday, April 29 - Wednesday, April 30
Depart: 7:00 a.m.
Return: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Please note- this trip will pick up and drop off at the Powell Community Center
Single Occupancy: $603/person
Double Occupancy: $488/person
Triple Occupancy: $450/person
Quadruple Occupancy: $431/person
Register over the phone at 913.631.5200 or